Thursday, December 19, 2019
The Relationship between Playing Multiplayer Online Games...
This research attempts to identify if any, a relationship between playing multiplayer online games and developing communication like skills. Online multiplayer video games involve thousands of players all over the world who may play solo, in teams, or with one other player. To begin the study, a survey will be created in order to gather information on the communication skills of collaborative gaming individuals. The survey will have subjects answer different questions regarding their communication behavior during videogame playing. In addition the number of years that a subject has played a particular video game or participated in online video gaming will also be gathered. The reason why using surveys is the method of choice for this study†¦show more content†¦This sample size is appropriate because the study must account for the vast number of multiplayer games that a respondent may participate in, which may have an impact on their communication skills. It is important to r ecognize however, that this particular sample, though a convenience sample, is also made up of respondents who are part of the gaming community. Thus, this sample has certain limitations in that the data will compiled from a self-selected sample. Section 3: Key Variables The main question was to identify whether online collaborative gaming improved communication skills. Four variables were used to assess whether communication skills could be improved due to online gaming they are as follows: team communication skills, communication through leadership skills, autocratic leadership skills, and leadership through democracy skills. The team communication skills variable which consists of questions on the survey 1-7 which can be found in the Appendix as 1B measure a respondents perception about their own communication skill level as a member of a cooperative team. These responses were measured by using a Likert Scale on a 5 point system with Strongly Disagree â€Å"1†to â€Å"5†Strongly Agree. These 7 questions were averaged and the higher the score received by the respondent, the better team communication skills they believe they had. The next six items, questions 8-13 were used to identify the respondents’ perceptions about their skills as a leader of aShow MoreRelatedThe Relationship between The Use of Technological Communication and Social Skills in College Students 1793 Words  | 7 PagesThis study examined the relationship between the use of technological communication and social skills in college students. 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